Publications, News, Multimedia, Education:

Informed Infrastructure

Is the construction engineer’s source for projects, products and technology. We deliver actionable information for improving the design and delivery of water systems, energy, transportation, structures and aligned infrastructure.

Earth Imaging Journal

Covers tools and technology that enable “Sensing to Elevate Understanding.” Content illuminates the applications, products and processes shaping the international Earth-imaging market.

Sensors & Systems

Speaks to the integrated sensor and modeling technologies that are “Making Sense of Global Change.” We focus on the key challenges of energy, water, food, biodiversity, environment and security.

Asian Surveying & Mapping

Reports on surveying, positioning, GIS and remote sensing in the countries of Asia and the Pacific.

V1 Video

Contains video interviews and project showcases that are syndicated across our sites. It’s also the home to the weekly GeoSpatial Stream video digest that highlights the people, companies, tools and technology trends of the geospatial industry.

V1 Education

Provides a source of AIA- and GISP-accredited professional development hours (PDH) to aid in professional certification. The site is a repository for earned certificates and the entry point for both live and on-demand course content.

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The 45,000 readers of Informed Infrastructure look to us for news and information about successful model-based design, engineering, performance simulation, product specification and ongoing monitoring for improved maintenance.

Our 22,000 geospatial readers look to us for news and information about Earth observation, remote-sensing, geospatial intelligence, sensors and sensor platforms.

Together, we have a global and engaged audience that can be reached with advertising and lead-generating opportunities.

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